As Hilton Head is a vacation destination, we recommend booking lodging sooner rather than later. Accommodations tend to fill up quickly in the spring. We have listed two hotels below, but know that many guests are opting to rent houses! We have had great experiences with the following rental companies:
Feel free to stay wherever you'd like, on or off the island. We'd recommend staying in the "neighborhood" of Sea Pines. This is where all of our wedding festivities will take place.
There are two airport options which are listed below. The HHI airport is on the island and approximately a 15 minute drive from our venue. However, it is a small airport and flight options are more limited. The Savannah/Hilton Head airport is a 45 minute drive from the island, however has more flight options. We have had great experiences flying through both!
We have a block of rooms reserved at this hotel. You can book using the link below or over the phone by referencing the Estes-Hamilton Wedding. The last date to book with the group rate is April 16th, 2024. There will be a shuttle running between this hotel and the wedding. The shuttle will pick up from the hotel at 4:30pm and return you to the hotel after the wedding.
This hotel is on the same resort property as our wedding venue. It is a short walk from the Inn to our reception space. The availability shown online is not always accurate, so don't hesitate to call the phone number listed above if you are having trouble booking.